ACS Central Science 논문게재

Date  2023-03-10 14:36 PM / Hits  1475

Targeted protein degradation improves cognition and reduces 

Alzheimer′s brain pathology in mouse models


By Helen FloershMar 3, 2023 09:25am

 TPDs are a potential fit for “undruggable” diseases like Alzheimer’s because they can selectively degrade proteins 

that are difficult to target with traditional small molecules. (Getty Images)


“Collectively, our findings suggest that TPD technology can target a specific [post-translated modification] to induce selective degradation of neurodegenerative disease-associated proteins 

such as [phosphyorlated] p38, demonstrating its potential as a therapeutic modality against [Alzheimer’s disease],” the researchers concluded in their paper.



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[Attachment] ACS thesis